NEB Expressions Archive

  • Expressions_IssueI_2018

    NEB Expressions, Issue I 2018

    This edition of NEB expressions focuses on tools that can streamline your RNA-related workflows. Featured products include NEBNext Ultra II kits for RNA, the Monarch Total RNA Miniprep Kit, Luna reagents for RT-qPCR, the new LunaScript RT SuperMix Kit and HiScribe kits for high yield, high quality RNA synthesis. Learn more about functional considerations for RNA synthesis in our feature, and learn about a new protocol for Cappable Seq. Lastly, read about ways you can promote sustainable science in the lab.
  • Expressions_IssueIII_2018

    NEB Expressions, Issue III 2018

    This edition of NEB Expressions discusses the use of aptamers to control enzyme activity and specificity. Learn more about NEB’s competent cells for cloning, Passion in Science Awards® and recommended products for new cloners.
  • Expressions_IssueII_2018

    NEB Expressions, Issue II 2018

    This edition of NEB expressions discusses breakthroughs in Golden Gate Assembly research, that now enables 20+ fragment assembly with high efficiency and accuracy. New products include the NEBNext® Single Cell/Low Input RNA Library Prep Kit and the NEBNext Direct® Custom Ready Panels for NGS Target Enrichment. Lastly, learn about the importance of basic research at NEB in an interview with NEB’s Research Director.
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