FAQ: Can the histones be used as substrates for Histone modification enzymes? Which ones?

They would presumably serve as excellent substrates for any histone modification enzyme. We ensure that the recombinant histones are not modified at any potential modification site by producing them in E.coli and then further checking each histone’s mass by ESI-TOF MS (Electrospray Ionization-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry).

The histone modification enzymes that we have tested are:
Histone H1°: CDK2-cyclin B (NEB #P6020)
Histone H3.1, H3.2 and H3.3: G9A Methyltransferase (NEB #M0235) and SET7 Methyltransferase (NEB #M0233)
Histone H4: PRMT1 Methyltransferase (NEB #M0221) and SET8 Methyltransferase (NEB #M0248)